Our Sensei
Sensei Yasuaki Nagatomo (Sensei, meaning teacher) is the Chief instructor of the Japan Karate Association of New Mexico.
He is from Kyushu, Japan, and has studied Karate since 1980.
Sensei Nagatomo has been training and teaching Albuquerque, NM Karate since 1986 and is the Chief instructor of the JKA of New Mexico and NMKA.
He currently holds a 7th degree black belt and instructor certification with Japan Karate Association World Federation (J.K.A.W.F). Mr. Nagatomo serves as a member of the Operating Board of JKA/WF America.

Awards and Honors
JKA Qualifications
Instructor Rank =A, Judge Rank=A, Examiner Rank=A with special rights to conduct Dan examinations for up to 3 Dan.
Special right to conduct Qualifications examinations for Examiner D, Instructor D and Judge D.
- 2017 JKA/WF World Championship Tournament Judge at Limerick City in Ireland.
- 2017 US Youth Team Head Coach JKA/WF World Championship at Limerick City, in Ireland.
- 2014 US Youth Team Head Coach JKA/WF World Championship in Japan.
- US Team Coach 2006-2017.
- Since 1992, he has been a member of the US national team.
- He was the captain of 1999 US National team. 1st place in team kumite and 2nd place team kata at the 1999 Pan-American Games in Barbados.
- He took 1st place in team kumite and 2nd place team kata at the 1997 Pan-American Games in Mexico City. In1996,
He was one of the top 16 competitors at the 6th World Shoto Cup competition in Japan.
- He took 2nd place in both individual kata and kumite, also 2nd place in team kumite at the 1999 ISKF National, Denver, CO
- Kumite and Grand Champion, Master Camp Goodwill Tournament, PA, 1998
- Kumite Champion, Master Camp Goodwill Tournament, PA, 1997
- Kumite Champion, Master Camp Goodwill Tournament, PA, 1996
- Kumite Champion, Western States Karate Championship, Phoenix, AZ 1996
- US Team member and individual and team sparring competitor, 6th World Shoto Cup, Japan, 1996 Individual best 16th
- Mountain States Team 1st place sparring, US Nationals, Santa Rosa CA, 1995
- Kata Champion, Western States Karate Championship, Phoenix, AZ 1995
- Grand Champion, 1st place kata, 1st place sparring, Mountain States Regional, Greeley, CO, 1995
- US Team fourth place sparring and individual sparring competitor, 5th World Shoto Cup, Philadelphia, PA 1994
- US Team 1st place, Pan-American Games, Canada, 1993
- US Team member, 2nd World Shoto Cup, England 1988
- Kata Champion, Grand Champion, 1st place team sparring, 2nd place individual sparring Western States Karate Championship, Phoenix, AZ 1993
- Sparring Champion and Grand Champion, Western States Karate Championship, Phoenix AZ, 1992
- First Place, Team sparring, Second place individual sparring, ISKF national Tournament Anchorage, Alaska, 1992
- Sparring Champion, Western States Karate Championship, Phoenix, AZ 1990
Sensei Nagatomo has been interviewed twice by KRQE-13 for sports segments, and has been featured in articles in both the Albuquerque Journal and Tribune His victories in competition have also been displayed in Black Belt Magazine.
Families would be hard pressed to find a better Sensei to teach their children Karate. Albuquerque, NM families who want a traditional approach to Albuquerque, NM Karate turn to Sensei Nagatomo. Sensei Nagatomo provides all a parent could ask for when it comes to martial arts. Albuquerque students learn more than just self-defense because there is far more to learn when it comes to martial arts. Albuquerque, NM students experience the entire traditional approach when it comes to learning Albuquerque Karate. For Albuquerque martial arts that take the traditional approach of focus on excelling in all areas of life, families turn to Sensei Nagatomo.